Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Call

Hey Scott, Below is a series of sermons entitled "The Call" given in 2008 by Rob Renfroe, assoc. pastor at The Woodlands United Methodist Church. They are based on Philippians 3:14 "I pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." and also on the book The Call written by Os Guinness. I think Rob Renfroe is incredible (and yeah he has a funny voice at first, but it turns out to fit his personality and sense of humor). I think he's a very gifted teacher and even my former pastor Stan Copeland at Lovers Lane Methodist, who's a friend of his, agreed with me about how gifted he is. I thought you might enjoy listening to these sermons. They are great for all of us but I especially found them to be a blessing when I was seeking what the call on my life was, or even if I would be given one more than continuing to do what I was doing and trying to learn about God and love and follow Christ. I also have the book if you wanted to read it, but I think Rob did a very good job taking the message and applying it to our lives. I didn't mean to single you out because it is a great message for everyone, but you specifically came to mind. I hope everyone gets an opportunity to listen to some or all of them.

Give it a few minutes to play or download, the files are pretty large, usually 30-40 min sermons.
The Call: By God To God - PLAY - DOWNLOAD
The Call: For Gods Purposes - PLAY - DOWNLOAD
The Call: Out of the World - PLAY - DOWNLOAD
The Call: Called To Be Available - PLAY - DOWNLOAD
The Call: Called To Be Teachable - PLAY - DOWNLOAD
The Call: Called To Be Faithful - PLAY - DOWNLOAD

If there is a problem with the links go click HERE and scroll down to find the sermons listed.

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